The world of travel is where incredible landscapes, luxurious hotels, and life-changing experiences take the center stage. It’s a dream come true for many, but let’s not sugarcoat it – there’s also that sneaky travel anxiety that can lurk in the background.
Yes, it’s a thing, and it happens to the best of us. But fret not! We’ve got some helpful tips to help you not only survive, but thrive, in your travels.

Picture this: You’re all set for your dream vacation, but suddenly, you’re stuck at the airport because your flight got delayed, or you find yourself at the wrong terminal. Surprise!
Travel hiccups like these are like uninvited guests at your party. The trick here is to expect them. When you go into your trip knowing that perfection is not guaranteed, you’ll find it easier to roll with the punches. Remember, it’s all part of the adventure.
If the Brownell Air Desk has booked your flights and you need to change flights due to a cancellation, you can also rest assured that they’ll do everything possible to reroute you in the best and fastest way possible. No need to call the airline and be placed on-hold for hours, because the Air Desk will assist you (and they can even hold flights for you!). The peace of mind that they provide is beyond measure!

Have you ever packed differently for every trip and ended up with a suitcase full of unused outfits and random products? Guilty as charged! To remedy this, develop a systematic packing routine.
Though it may be time consuming to do so, we always recommend to snap photos of each outfit you pack so you have it for reference in-destination. This allows you to adjust what you pack based on your comfort level in that outfit. How many times have you packed an outfit without trying on the pieces together at home, and then not wanted to wear it once you’re on vacation? Surely it’s not just us. This method makes getting ready a breeze while on your trip and prevents over-packing.
Our overall mentality while packing? Less is more. But, we certainly understand that for longer trips, you may feel comfortable packing more items in a checked bag, in which case you’ll love our handy packing list which you can download from our website.

Developing travel rituals can help get your brain into a zen-like flow state. These rituals create familiarity, making you feel grounded and calm amidst the chaos of travel. Consider deep breathing exercises, quick airport squats to get your blood flowing, having a hearty meal before your flight, unpacking as soon as you reach your hotel, or even using some soothing essential oils. Find what works for you.
Travel is all about comfort. Opt for a cozy yet stylish travel outfit – think leggings, a comfy top, a trusty lightweight jacket, and toss a light blanket in your bag.
Ever landed in a new country, only to realize you have no idea about local customs or whether your plug adapter will even work? It’s not a great feeling. So, do some research beforehand. Learn about the local language, customs, power outlets, and currency exchange. You’ll want to get the local currency from your own bank at home whenever possible, as it typically has the best exchange rates.Knowledge is power, and it can save you a lot of stress and confusion later on.
Of course, if you’re working with Unfolded Travels, we’ll send you much of this information throughout our planning process. You’ll also have access to a handy app with your entire itinerary, all travel documents, contact information for your in-ground support if needed, and all of your travel arrangements will be arranged. Say goodbye to worrying about finding a ride from the airport to the hotel or arriving at a hotel that doesn’t allow early check-in (we’ll make sure they know when to expect you!).
TOP TIP: Having a professional travel advisor plan your trip and anticipate your needs is one of the best ways to ease travel worries.

Fear of flying is real. There’s a thin line between fear and excitement, and often, our minds play tricks on us during flights. To conquer this fear, try shifting your perspective. Instead of dreading the flight, focus on the excitement of reaching your destination and embarking on thrilling adventures. Flight anxiety might still linger, but understanding and facing your fears head-on is the first step to conquering them.
If you’re still struggling, we often take melatonin on international flights. It really helps us relax and get some rest, while simultaneously helping us adjust to the difference in time zones.
One of the not-so-fun aspects of travel is the excessive waste in airports and the uncertainty of finding food that suits your palate and dietary preferences. Be proactive and reduce waste by bringing your essentials:
- Reusable water bottle (fill it up at a water station after security)
- Homemade healthy meals and snacks
- Read a book on your Kindle
- Download some podcasts to your phone in advance
- Write in your journal about what you’re most excited about in regards to your trip, then continue this throughout your journey each day so you have wonderful written memories of your experiences
- A laptop to finish any last-minute work assignments
With these travel hacks in your arsenal, you’ll not only survive your adventures but thrive and savor every moment of them. Buon viaggio!